The truth about chronic pain & Symptoms 

What is mindbody pain?

You might be familiar with the term psychosomatic pain, which refers to emotional triggers (psycho) causing physical symptoms (somatic). Prominent pain specialist Dr. John Sarno also referred to it as Tension Myositis Syndrome (TMS), alongside other names like Psychophysiological Disorder (PPD) and Neuroplastic Pain.

For simplicity, I refer to it as Mindbody Pain. It’s important to note that Mindbody Pain doesn’t imply that your pain is imagined or unreal. It’s a genuine mechanism initiated by the body, recognised by pain science for decades.

Mindbody Pain and its associated symptoms, manifesting as chronic discomfort in the body, stem from established neural pathways in the brain. These pathways often result from experiences of stress, trauma, and suppressed emotions. Relief from the painful or distressing symptoms is possible through the process of “unlearning” these neural pathways.

why mindbody symptoms happen?

Our brains continuously operate to survey our surroundings for potential threats and safeguard us from harm. Pain typically serves as a warning signal proceeding from the brain in response to perceived threats, although the majority of pain doesn’t signify ongoing tissue damage. In fact, structural causes of pain are exceedingly rare in the context of the chronic pain epidemic.

Modern neuroscience explains that our nervous systems can become stuck in a heightened state of fight or flight, triggering the activation of Mindbody Pain in our brains through distinct mechanisms.

Following an acute injury or physical trauma, such as a broken bone, initial pain is accompanied by intense emotions like fear, frustration, and fixation on the present discomfort. This mental focus reinforces the significance of the pain, leading the brain to securely wire the pain circuit. Even after the initial injury heals with no residual tissue damage, the pain persists and may worsen, becoming an ingrained mental pattern or habit in the hyper-vigilant brain. It’s important to recognize that all injuries heal, and lingering pain post-injury is indicative of Mindbody Pain.

Pain, though always a warning signal from the brain, is frequently a false alarm, triggered in response to non-physical threats, primarily emotional in nature. Due to a quirk in our primitive brains and nervous systems, emotions like anger, extreme stress, and grief are perceived as threats equivalent to physical damage, resulting in the manifestation of pain. This type of pain often emerges after prolonged stress (past or current), significant life changes, or emotional trauma. Mindbody Pain, like any pain, is a decision made by the brain, but it is not merely “all in your head.” Distinguishing between real and fake pain, or structural and Mindbody Pain, based on intensity is a mistaken and cruel notion.

Individuals exhibiting Mindbody personality traits often experience chronic dysregulation of the nervous system, leading to the suppression of certain emotions. Consequently, the brain responds by generating Mindbody pain. Personality traits such as perfectionism, people-pleasing tendencies, or a strong need for control and achievement can contribute to the repression of emotions. When emotions are consistently suppressed, they may manifest as physical symptoms, including chronic pain, as the body seeks alternative outlets for expression. This process occurs automatically in the brain, where habitual neural pathways transmit pain signals throughout the body. The brain perceives certain emotions as “dangerous” and attempts to divert attention from them by creating pain, effectively distracting individuals from experiencing these emotions.


Chronic Pain Coaching 


Chronic pain is more than just a symptom – it’s a deeply personal experience, often woven with memories, emotions, and daily challenges. My approach to addressing chronic pain is deeply personal, informed by both lived experience and professional expertise. I recognise that each person’s path with pain is unique, and I am here to guide and empower you along this healing path.

As you embark on this journey, equipped with the right knowledge, tools, and guidance, you can begin to navigate life in a new, empowering manner where pain and your symptoms stop dictating the way your life needs to go. Together, we will delve into the intricacies of Mindbody pain, unraveling its sources and understanding its nuances.

My role is multifaceted, aimed at providing you with the tools and support needed to navigate the Mindbody pain healing journey.

Here’s a glimpse into what my approach can include:

Understanding Mindbody Pain: I will assist you in comprehending the complexities of Mindbody pain, helping you gain insight into its underlying mechanisms.

Addressing Anxiety Sources: Together, we will identify the sources of anxiety that perpetuate the pain cycle, enabling you to break free from its grip.

Cognitive Behavioural Techniques: By working with your reactions and thought patterns, we can reframe your relationship with pain, fear and anxiety, fostering resilience and growth.

Exploring Emotional Trauma: We will explore how current stress factors, past trauma or repressed emotions may contribute to chronic pain and anxiety, providing appropriate guidance and support.

Mindbody Techniques and Pain Reprocessing Therapy (PRT): I will teach you specialized techniques and therapies designed to help the brain “unlearn” chronic pain and symptoms.

Physical Activities: Together, we will cultivate the right mindset to approach or resume physical activities.

Nervous System Regulation: Through tailored practices, I will assist you in healing a dysregulated nervous system and help you to feel safe in your body again.

Preventing Flare-ups: I will empower you with strategies to avoid flare-ups and lay the foundation for a life free from chronic pain.


Your journey towards healing begins here. Get in touch!

main contributors of mindbody pain & symptoms

Personality Traits

Extreme People Pleasing


High Achivers

Constant Self Criticism

Putting Everyone Else’s Needs Ahead of Your Own



Past and Current Stressors

Work-related stress

Financial difficulties

Relationship problems

Health issues

Loss or grief

Major life changes

Academic pressure

Legal issues

Social stressors


 Unmet Needs in Childhood 

Abuse & Neglet: physical, emotional and sexual

General Trauma in childhood or young adulthood



Mental Ilness

Fear from old injury


Avoidance Behaviors


Central Sensitization

Altered Movement Patterns

Poor Coping Strategies




What do these experiences share in common? They all contribute to the development of a hyper-vigilant nervous system, one that remains perpetually on high alert in a state of fight or flight. Such a nervous system lacks the ability to effectively digest and process emotions and experiences, preventing it from returning to a balanced, homeostatic state. The result is the manifestation of chronic symptoms associated with a dysregulated nervous system.


It’s crucial to undergo diagnostic testing to eliminate any serious concerns. Nevertheless, prominent research indicates that the presence of structural abnormalities or chemical imbalances does not necessarily account for the experience of pain.

Musculoskeletal pain






Knee and other aches and pains throughout the joints or limbs

Tension Headache



Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)

Complex Regional Pain Disorder (CRPD)

Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome (TMJ)

Chronic Tendonitis

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

Piriformis Syndrome

Iliotibial Band Syndrome

Trigeminal Neuralgia

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Sacro-Iliac joint dysfunction

Gastrointestinal pain


Abdominal Pain

Ulcer Symptoms




Spastic Colon


Acid Reflux



Mental Health

Mental Health

Obsessive Compulsive Thoughts

Eating Disorders



Panic Attacks

Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)

Self Mutilation



Bladder And Genital Pain

Spastic Bladder

Bladder Frequency

Testicular Pain

Penile Pain

Interstitial Cystitis

Chronic Prostatitis

Undiagnosed Pelvic Pain

Erectile Dysfunction





Immune System 


Long Covid

Hay Fever

Food Intolerances

Frequent Infections – Ear, Chest, Bladder, Thrush, Cystitis

Verucas And Warts


Heart and lung pain

Repetitive Cough

Shortness Of Breath

Undiagnosed Chest


High Or Low Blood Pressure

Irregular Heartbeats




Mental Health

Obsessive Compulsive Thoughts

Eating Disorders



Panic Attacks

Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)

Self Mutilation


Chronic Fatigue/Tiredness


Insomnia / Poor sleep

Difficulty Swallowing Or Gagging

Bell’s Palsy

Facial Paralysis



Changes In Voice,

Dental Pain


Numerous mindbody pain or stress-induced conditions often face misdiagnosis. It’s typical for these mindbody conditions to be wrongly attributed to other factors, such as:

Structural abnormalities have been extensively studied, revealing that they do not account for pain; instead, they are a natural aspect of the aging process. Numerous individuals experiencing pain lack structural abnormalities, while many pain-free individuals exhibit such abnormalities. If you’ve received a diagnosis attributing your pain to issues like a slipped disk, spinal degeneration, or scoliosis, it’s likely related to mindbody factors.

Under prolonged stress, the brain shuts down essential bodily systems and disrupts the hormones crucial for well-being, such as serotonin or gut flora. Stress can manifest in various forms: emotional, mental, spiritual, or physical. Additionally, chemical imbalances may stem from mind-body personality traits and adverse childhood experiences or unprocessed trauma. 

Old injuries – Just like the outside of the body heals wounds on the skin, the inside of the body does the same. Any pain lasting longer than 6-12 months does not explain chronic pain. While physiotherapy or exercise are commonly recommended, focusing solely on physical approaches overlooks other contributing factors. Despite the importance of movement for physical well-being, treatments often neglect aspects beyond the physical, leading sufferers to cycle through various treatments without lasting relief.

Food Intolerances – Individuals experiencing digestive problems often find themselves caught in a cycle of trying various treatments in search of a remedy, often involving dietary restrictions. While improving dietary habits offers significant advantages, it constitutes only a portion of a comprehensive approach to wellness, focusing primarily on the physical aspect. Additionally, some individuals may inadvertently develop orthorexia, a fixation on healthy eating, as a consequence. This only leads strengthening of the symptoms neuralpathways and persisting systems.

Why didn’t doctors tell me this?

Most medical professionals are entrenched in an outdated paradigm that views degenerative changes detected in MRIs and other diagnostic imaging as the primary, if not sole, explanation for chronic pain.

Treatments solely targeting physical ailments prove ineffective for conditions now recognized as predominantly governed by neurological processes. When these interventions fail, as numerous studies indicate they often do, it leaves patients and healthcare providers alike feeling helpless and frustrated. Such scenarios induce profound anxiety and despair among chronic pain sufferers and healthcare practitioners worldwide.

Research examining MRIs of asymptomatic individuals reveals that virtually everyone aged 20 and above exhibits “normal abnormalities” such as disc herniations, joint degeneration, muscle tears, and arthritis throughout their lives. Remarkably, the vast majority of these individuals never experience any pain. Hence, observable degenerative changes represent a natural consequence of aging – akin to grey hairs on the inside – rather than indications of pain. Consequently, if back or neck pain is not attributable to conditions like disc herniation, surgical interventions aimed at rectifying these abnormalities are unlikely to alleviate the pain. This accounts for the notorious inefficacy of surgery in managing chronic pain conditions.

Furthermore, pain should typically dissipate following an injury as the body undergoes the healing process. Persistent pain lasting beyond a few months or recurring from previous injuries indicates a shift wherein the brain assumes control, declaring the initial injury obsolete as the primary cause. Without addressing the underlying factors contributing to chronic pain – namely, neurobiological mechanisms, fear-induced cognitive patterns, and emotional triggers – conventional treatments may offer temporary relief at best, but fail to eradicate the pain altogether.

Resources & Research

Eye opening podcast with one of the Mindbody syndrome pioneers


  • Mind-Body Prescription by Dr Sarno
  • The Way Out by Alan Gordon
  • The Great Pain Deception by Steve Ozanich
  • The Myth of Normal by Dr Gabor Mate
  • The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk
  • Heal your Nervous System by Dr Linnea Passaler


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From Chronic Pain to Wellness

Rooted in a blend of personal experience and expert knowledge, I am dedicated to guiding you on a transformative journey towards mind and body harmony, merging age-old wisdom with contemporary insights.

Oxfordshire, United Kingdom 

Albufeira – Portugal
