My Services


I can help if you are seeking support and guidance to regulate your nervous system, to enjoy life mindfully, to respond to difficulties in life instead of reacting to it, heal chronic pain & symptoms from neuroscience and holistic lenses, enhance mind-body connection and cultivate overall well-being.
As dedicated practitioner in yoga, mindfulness, chronic pain coaching, mind-body approaches and Reiki, my integrated approach is tailored to empower you on your journey to physical and mental healing.
I am aware of the uniqueness of every person and because of that I am an advocate of accessible and inclusive practices with the intention to also support neurodivergent people and people with physical illness.
My range of services are designed to guide you on a journey to wellness tailored to your needs.

My Services

Chronic Pain & Symptoms Coaching


Yoga & Somatics

Somatic Coaching

Integrative Wellness Coaching


Myofascial Release

Chronic Pain & Symptoms  Coaching

From a place of knowledge, embodiment and years of personal experience, I am able to address the connection between mind and body and heal and/or completely recover from Chronic Pain & Symptoms. This MindBody Syndrome approach goes beyond pain management and addresses the root cause of pain. This lies in research and recent neuroscience findings as well as holistic approaches that promote nervous system regulation.

This approach has helped numerous people, including myself, to heal and fully recover from conditions such as Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, IBS, chronic migraines, chronic back pain, long covid, etc.  

I aim to empower individuals with strategies and tools to reduce or completely recover from pain and chronic symptoms and support their flourishing in life. 

One to One: Online and In-person

In-Person Group Programmes in Oxfordshire

Somatic Coaching

What is Somatic Coaching?
Somatic Coaching is a holistic, body-centered approach to personal development and healing that integrates the wisdom of the body with the processes of the mind. Unlike traditional coaching, which often focuses on thoughts and behaviors, somatic coaching emphasizes the connection between physical sensations, emotions, and mental states. By becoming more aware of your bodily experiences, you can uncover hidden patterns, release stored tension, and create lasting change.

One of the core principles of somatic coaching is the regulation of the nervous system, particularly through the activation of the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve plays a crucial role in managing stress responses and maintaining emotional balance. Through practices like mindful movement, breathwork, and body awareness, somatic coaching helps you tap into your body’s innate ability to self-regulate, fostering greater resilience and well-being.


Improves a variety of somatic symptoms: headaches, stomach aches, muscle tension

Improve sleep and insomnia

Reduce anxiety, low mood and overwhelm

Helps to process body trauma

Increase energy levels

How we can work together


Distance treatments

Yoga & Somatics

My mission as yoga teacher is to guide students on a healing journey from the inside out by incorporating mindfulness, accessibility and inclusiveness in my classes. I aim to inspire and support people in connecting with their bodies, fostering acceptance, easing physical and emotional tension, and enhancing overall mental and physical health. I am dedicated to helping individuals to regulate their nervous system, live mindful and happier lives despite life’s challenges, promoting greater wellbeing, kindness, and resilience through the teaching of yoga and somatics practices.

Yoga is a mind-body practice that originated in ancient India. It combines physical postures, breathing exercises, meditation, and ethical principles to promote overall health and well-being. The word “yoga” comes from the Sanskrit root “yuj,” which means to unite or integrate. Yoga aims to create a balance between the body, mind, and spirit.

Somatic movement is a category of practices that focuses on enhancing internal awareness of the body’s sensations and promoting a mindful connection between the mind and body. It involves exploring movement, improving mind-body integration, releasing tension. By focusing on internal movement it helps unwind tension, habits that cause pain and physical and mental limitations. Somatic practices are extremely important for nervous system regulation and vagus nerve tone. They aid in recovery from chronic pain and symptoms such anxiety. 


Promotes Balance and Stability

Enhance nervous system regulation

Increases flexibility

Promote relaxation and better sleep

Strengthens muscles

Ease tension and pain

Improves introception


Group Classes

Corporate Classes

One to One



Integrative Wellness Coaching 

Integrative Wellness Coaching is an approach for personal development and well-being that combines elements of therapy with mind-body coaching and any of the services I provide to enhance better results. It encompasses various modalities such as mind-body coaching, empathy based cognitive-behavioural therapy (T.E.A.M. CBT), mindfulness practices, emotional healing, reiki, movement and myofascial release and neuroplasticity work to support individuals in achieving their wellness goals and overcoming challenges.

Here’s a breakdown of some key components:

Mind-Body Coaching: This aspect recognizes the intricate connection between the mind and body. It involves techniques that help individuals cultivate awareness of how their thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations influence one another. Mind-body coaching may include practices like guided imagery, values and core-beliefs work, breathwork, and somatic experiencing to promote holistic healing and well-being.

T.E.A.M. CBT: This type of CBT was developed by Dr David Burns and it is a widely used therapeutic approach that focuses on identifying and changing negative thoughts patterns and behaviours. Through therapeutic coaching, clients can learn CBT techniques to challenge and reframe unhelpful thought and beliefs, develop healthier coping strategies, and improve their overall mental health.

Mindfulness: Mindfulness practices involve intentionally bringing attention to the present moment without judgment. Incorporating mindfulness techniques into therapeutic coaching can help individuals cultivate greater self-awareness, manage stress, and enhance their ability to regulate emotions.

Emotional Healing: Emotional healing work involves processing and releasing unresolved emotions, traumas, and past experiences that may be contributing to distress or limiting personal growth. Therapeutic coaching provides a safe and supportive environment for individuals to identify, and address these emotions, fostering healing and resilience.

Neuroplasticity Work: Neuroplasticity refers to the brain’s ability to reorganize and form new neural connections throughout life. Therapeutic coaching shape neuroplasticity principles to help clients develop positive habits, rewire maladaptive thought patterns, and create lasting behavioural changes.


Enhanced Well-being: Through personalized support and tailored techniques tools, I assist you in fostering a sense of overall well-being, promoting emotional balance, resilience, and nervous system regulation, while addressing core beliefs that may impact your well-being. By letting go of depleting core beliefs, you can experience greater inner peace and fulfilment.

Overcome Anxiety: Utilizing a combination of therapeutic modalities and most of all T.EA.M. CBT I help you develop coping strategies to overcome anxiety and depression symptoms, empowering you to navigate challenging emotions more effectively while regulating your nervous system’s responses.

Habit Formation and Change: With guidance and accountability, I support you in breaking unhealthy habits and establishing positive behaviour patterns that contribute to your mental and emotional wellness.

Holistic Healing: My holistic approach integrates mind-body techniques, cognitive restructuring, mindfulness practices, emotional healing strategies, and core beliefs work to facilitate deep emotional healing and personal growth, fostering lasting transformation in various aspects of your life, including nervous system regulation and belief systems that shape your experiences. By releasing depleting core beliefs, you can create space for new, empowering beliefs that support your well-being and growth.

How we can work together




Mindfulness is indeed rooted in ancient Buddhist philosophy and has been adapted and integrated into various therapeutic approaches in contemporary contexts. The essence of mindfulness lies in cultivating a present moment awareness with an attitude of openness and acceptance. By being fully present and non-judgmental, individuals can observe their thoughts, emotions, and sensations without getting entangled in them. This practice fosters a greater sense of clarity, emotional regulation, and resilience in the face of challenging situations. 

This practice has supported me over a decade to find acceptance, self-compassion, navigate mental health and physical heath difficulties  and help me to find joy in the simple things in life.

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) introduces a set of straightforward, yet impactful practices designed to be seamlessly integrated into your daily life, aiming to disrupt patterns of anxiety, stress, dissatisfaction and reactivity. By engaging in MBCT, clients can cultivate a profound sense of happiness that permeates their being, empowering them to face life’s challenges by responding instead of reacting. Numerous clinical studies support the efficacy of MBCT.

There are three MBCT pathways that you can work with me:

Introduction to Mindfulness – a perfectly designed introduction to MBCT, usually held in three hourly sessions.

Finding Peace in a Frantic World – a more comprehensive programme to help to navigate life’s difficulties and business. Can be taught in 6 or 8-weeks programmes of 60-90min session.  

Mindfulness for Life (MCBT-L) – a beautifully paced, in-depth training for mindful living. This programme is taught on 8 week-based over 120min session and includes a half day retreat. 

Mindfulness NOW presents a comprehensive and refined approach to mindfulness. Tailored for ad hoc, one-on-one sessions, Mindfulness NOW is designed to address the unique needs of clients in every moment of life. Each session is customized, and bespoke mindfulness practice audios are recorded to facilitate home practice, promoting a sense of spaciousness and overall well-being amidst life’s challenges.

Mindfulness NOW integrates a psycho-educational blend of mindfulness-based methodologies, incorporating evidence-based approaches such as Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT).

Science based benefits

Reduce feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression

Improve ability to cope with pain and illness

Reduce physical and emotional pain

Less worrying and obsession over things

Improves Clarity and Focus

Helps to regulate nervous system


Improve sleep

Greater appreciation of what is pleasant and enjoyable in life

Improve overall wellbeing and mental health, even in difficult times

Confidence and self-esteem

Improve Relationships and Communication

How we can work together



One to One

Group Programmes



Myofascial Release

Fascia is a connective tissue found throughout the body that surrounds and supports muscles, bones, organs, nerves, and blood vessels. It forms a continuous web-like structure that provides structural integrity, stability, and flexibility to the body. Fascia can become tight, restricted, or adhered due to injury, inflammation, repetitive stress, poor posture, or emotional stress. This can lead to pain, limited range of motion, and decreased flexibility. 

Myofascial release has many uses and applications that make it a particularly effective tool when working with pain, injuries, movement restrictions (limited range of motion), performance enhancement, athlete recovery, as an adjunct to help prevent injuries and as a tool to support the health of the connective tissue.

Myofascial Release combined with Energy Healing can alos be a powerful tool to uncover trapped emotions in the body. 

This tool supported me over several years when dealing with myofascial pain and tension, and now I teach clients on how to use self-myofascial release techniques with balls, blocks and other props, to help with range of motion, injuries, scar tissues, tension, muscle recovery and function, connect you with your body and help you to de-stress, stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system to promote recover, relaxation, sleep and digestion. 

One to One

On demand recordings



Reiki is a complementary therapy and a type of energy healing that was developed by Usui in the mid 1800s in Japan. Reiki means “Universal life energy”. It is not part of any religion or belief system. And it is used to release emotional tensions and to improve overall wellbeing. 

Reiki treatments are meant to rebalance the body, promote relaxation, deal with stuck energy and work on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level.

Reiki has been an extremely useful practice during my chronic pain healing, to process stuck emotions and beliefs as well as promoting a sense of safety in my body and mnd. 


Improves a variety of somatic symptoms: headaches, stomach aches, muscle tension

Improve sleep and insomnia

Reduce anxiety, low mood and overwhelm

Helps to process body trauma

Increase energy levels

How we can work together


Distance treatments

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From Chronic Pain to Wellness

Rooted in a blend of personal experience and expert knowledge, I am dedicated to guiding you on a transformative journey towards mind and body harmony, merging age-old wisdom with contemporary insights.

Oxfordshire, United Kingdom 

Albufeira – Portugal
